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Free support for the entire family journey and beyond

Your company has partnered with Mybabybridge to offer you expert reproductive and family health support at every step, and at no cost.

Individual access to Mybabybridge’s programs (e.g., Maternity, Fertility, Parenting & Pediatrics, Menopause) varies depending on your employer or health plan. Reach out to your HR team or [email protected] with questions.

How it works

Sign up for free

Download MyBabyBridge to get unlimited coaching and education from top-rated providers. Your Care Advocate is here to answer questions and help you get the most out of MyBabyBridge.

Get support 24/7

Video chat or message with 30+ types of providers for free (it’s company-sponsored) — from OB-GYNs and Lactation Consultants to Pediatricians and Wellness Coaches.

Learn and connect

Browse a library of MD-approved articles and daily tips, and connect with members and providers through virtual classes.

Get virtual support, content, and community for these life stages

What They’re Saying

MyBabyBridge is the friend who always has the answers that are backed by research and experience—and she’s in your pocket at all times.

MyBabyBridge Member

It’s absolutely essential for our family’s health. My wife has told me that I shouldn’t take another job without MyBabyBridge as a benefit.

MyBabyBridge Member

We can talk to a doctor in minutes when the hospital call line takes hours. It’s like if your best friend were a pediatrician.

MyBabyBridge Member

New mom Maria on getting access to MyBabyBridge

How much does Mybabybridge cost, and how does it work with my health insurance?

What types of specialists can I connect with through Mybabybridge?

What if I already have an in-person OB-GYN or pediatrician?

You can continue to see your chosen providers but video chat with Mybabybridge providers for guidance and second opinions. Our providers include a range of specialists you might not have access to—from midwives and doulas to diabetes coaches and career coaches. Your Care Advocate can also help you find in-person providers within your health plan if you’d like.

How does Mybabybridge support partners?

Is Mybabybridge available to members outside of the United States?

Does Mybabybridge offer support in languages other than English?